Aqua Metrology Systems

Case Study

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Application Brief: Real-Time Arsenic Data Helps TRUMPF Optimize Ion Exchange System

TRUMPF, a manufacturer of laser diodes made from Gallium Arsenide substrates (GaAs) wafers, needed a practical, cost-effective wafer-thinning wastewater treatment process that would also allow them to meet local regulatory discharge requirements. To better understand the effects of the different treatment stages on arsenic within the wastewater management system, TRUMPF installed the MetalGuard™ Arsenic online arsenic analyzer to measure influent and effluent arsenic levels in real time. The MetalGuard analyzer provided TRUMPF with accurate and reliable results to measure the performance of its IEX system and ensure regulatory compliance. The wastewater treatment approach that TRUMPF introduced resulted in several process improvements, providing an estimated annual cost savings of more than $150K with an ROI of less than one year.

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Application Brief: Real-time THM Data Optimizes Wastewater Treatment in Paso Robles

The City of Paso Robles, California, used an online trihalomethane (THM) analyzer capable of low-level real-time detection of DBCM and BDCM to help characterize and monitor THMs in its treated wastewater for groundwater recharge use. The high frequency of reliable and accurate THM data provided by the THM-100™ proved essential to the City’s DBP strategy to maintain regulatory compliance with NPDES permit levels.

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Application Brief: Data-Driven Water Quality Management at Aigües de Barcelona

Aigües de Barcelona has systematically addressed the complexities of managing DBPs in its extensive distribution network by adopting AMS’ DaaS technology to monitor its water quality, provide process control and ensure regulatory compliance analysis. The introduction of THM-100™, an online trihalomethane (THM) and THM Formation Potential (THM-FP) analyzer with > 98.5% data availability and uptime, and subsequent process optimizations have led to significant achievements. THM levels at the treatment plants saw an 86% decrease, with a parallel 53% reduction throughout the distribution network. These improvements have also translated into a substantial economic benefit, saving the utility an estimated 30,000€ monthly in operational costs, minimizing energy costs and reducing carbon emissions.

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Application Brief: SafeGuard™ H2O Delivers a Sustainable Phosphate Removal Solution for Wastewater Treatment Facilities

To reduce dependence on imported bulk chemicals, minimize carbon footprint and ensure final effluent discharges are within regulatory limits, wastewater treatment facilities can benefit from the SafeGuard™ H2O phosphate removal system. The novel technology, manufactured by AMS, generates a ferrous/ferric reagent in-situ via an electrolytic process, providing a sustainable and effective approach to phosphate removal. SafeGuard™ H2O has been proven in multiple bench-scale demonstrations to have repeated success removing phosphate.

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Application Brief: City of Banning Demonstrates the Efficacy of SafeGuard™ H2O Technology for Sustainable Cr6 Remediation

A demonstration at the City of Banning, California, validated the effectiveness of the AMS SafeGuard™ H2O technology to treat Cr6 and Cr(T) below 10 ppb, granting it conditional acceptance from the California SWRCB Division of Drinking Water for use of the technology by public drinking water systems to treat Cr6 contamination. SafeGuard H2O generates a non-toxic stannous reagent on demand via an electrolytic process, offering utilities of all sizes an affordable, effective and sustainable Cr6 remediation solution.

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Application Brief: City of Alamosa Evaluates SafeGuard™ H2O Arsenic Removal Technology to Replace Bulk Ferric

Concerned with its reliance on bulk chemicals to meet the current or future arsenic MCL, the City of Alamosa evaluated the SafeGuard™ H2O arsenic removal treatment system to replace the use of bulk ferric chloride. The evaluation characterized the efficacy of the technology and the coagulation filtration requirements. The demonstration was initiated to show the ability of SafeGuard™ H2O to provide effective and reliable arsenic removal below the MCL, evaluate the purity of the in-situ generated ferrous reagent compared to bulk ferric chloride, and study the impact of both reagents on UF membrane health.

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Application Brief: Real-time THM Data Helps Athens Water Supply & Sewerage Company Effectively Mitigate Harmful THMs Across Service Area

The Athens Water Supply & Sewerage Company S.A. (EYDAP) installed the online THM-100™ analyzer to the drinking water reservoir outlet of the Galatsi Water Treatment Plant for a three-month evaluation period, providing EYDAP with continuous online analysis of trihalomethane (THM) values. The real-time THM data helped EYDAP understand how changes in raw source water quality and chlorine contact time affect the total THM (TTHM) concentration and THM speciation composition. With the help of the reliable data provided by the THM-100, EYDAP was able to mitigate better the presence of harmful THMs across the service area.

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MetalGuard™ is the first fully automated online trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for a range of trace metal contaminants.

MetalGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes. The system also allows for manually collected samples to be analyzed.

MetalGuard™ Lead Alert!™

A novel automated and unattended real-time lead corrosion risk management system for monitoring the risk of exposure to lead contamination.

The analyzer provides rapid analysis of the safety of drinking water in homes, schools, day-cares exposed to the risk of lead contamination. It is designed to be used independently or in conjunction with SafeGuard™ Lead for rapid low-cost analysis of locations predicted to be  at risk for an increase in contamination risk.

Application Brief: Online THM Monitoring System Supports Cutting Edge Innovation and Research at the Bilbao Bizkaia Advanced Water Treatment Centre

The Bilbao Bizkaia Advanced Water Treatment Centre (CATABB) in Etxebarri, Bizkaia, Spain, is an open platform for innovation and research in water treatment that was designed and built by the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium (BBWC) in 2018. To aid CATABB in a study to better understand the adsorption and desorption process of their GAC filters, an online trihalomethane (THM) analyzer, THM-100™, was installed at the facility to deliver accurate and reliable data on THM levels quickly. According to BBWC, thanks to the online THM analyzer, staff in the CATABB facility has been able to detect variations in the THMs concentration quickly and have greater control of the water quality. In addition, the online THM analyzer has become a very useful tool for current and future research in the study of the generation of disinfection by-products, and it will enable the opening of new lines of research and collaboration at CATABB.

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