Aqua Metrology Systems

Trace Metals


Instran® online inorganic water quality analyzers from AMS provide accurate, rapid, real-time, reliable and multi-stream analysis of inorganic contaminants such as ammonia, fluoride, phosphate and nitrate. Instran provides high frequency real-time data with a sensitivity of 10 ppb or 0.01 mg/L and a measurement time of approximately 10 minutes to support sustainable, accurate control of the drinking water and wastewater treatment processes.


MetalGuard™ is the first fully automated online trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for a range of trace metal contaminants.

MetalGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes. The system also allows for manually collected samples to be analyzed.

MetalGuard™ Lead Alert!™

A novel automated and unattended real-time lead corrosion risk management system for monitoring the risk of exposure to lead contamination.

The analyzer provides rapid analysis of the safety of drinking water in homes, schools, day-cares exposed to the risk of lead contamination. It is designed to be used independently or in conjunction with SafeGuard™ Lead for rapid low-cost analysis of locations predicted to be  at risk for an increase in contamination risk.


SafeGuard™ is an automated trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for trace metal contaminants.

SafeGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes. An enhanced system is available with a fast turn around time of 5 minutes without compromising accuracy. The analyzer can be used to measure up to two different trace metals contaminants on the same instrument.

SafeGuard™ Pro

SafeGuard™ Pro is a real-time water quality analyzer support system that maintains the integrity of online sensors by eliminating the risk of interferences that compromise their performance, allowing them to provide high-quality data needed to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water and effective treatment. The system eliminates the risk of misleading water quality data, reduces the financial burden of manual supervision, maintenance and replacement of sensors.