Aqua Metrology Systems

Application Brief: Online THM Monitoring System Supports Cutting Edge Innovation and Research at the Bilbao Bizkaia Advanced Water Treatment Centre

The Bilbao Bizkaia Advanced Water Treatment Centre (CATABB) in Etxebarri, Bizkaia, Spain, is an open platform for innovation and research in water treatment that was designed and built by the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium (BBWC) in 2018. To aid CATABB in a study to better understand the adsorption and desorption process of their GAC filters, an online THM-100™ analyzer was installed at the facility to quickly deliver accurate and reliable data on THM levels. According to BBWC, thanks to the online THM-100™ analyzer, staff in the CATABB facility has been able to quickly detect variations in the THMs concentration and have a greater control of the water quality. In addition, the online THM-100™ analyzer has become a very useful tool for current and future research in the study of the generation of disinfection by-products, and it will enable the opening of new lines of research and collaboration at CATABB.

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