AMS Talks: Technology Options for Wastewater Treatment in the Power Industry
Watch the latest episode of AMS Talks featuring Rick Bacon, CEO of AMS, who discusses the technology options available for wastewater treatment in the power industry and how new technology innovations ensure that utilities will no longer have to choose between compliance and affordability.
View ResourceReport: TRUMPF Optimizes Ion Exchange System With Reliable and Continuous Data From Real-Time Arsenic Analyzer
TRUMPF, a manufacturer of laser diodes made from Gallium Arsenide substrates (GaAs) wafers, implemented a new wafer thinning process in 2019. With large volumes of process wastewater and high treatment costs, TRUMPF needed a practical, cost-effective wafer-thinning wastewater treatment process that would also allow them to meet local regulatory discharge requirements. TRUMPF undertook a treatment approach that included the installation of the MetalGuard™ Arsenic online arsenic analyzer to continuously measure influent and effluent arsenic levels in real-time, providing TRUMPF with accurate and reliable results in less than 30 minutes to measure the performance of its IEX system and ensure regulatory compliance. The wastewater treatment approach undertaken by TRUMPF resulted in process improvements, providing an estimated annual cost savings of more than $150K with an ROI of less than one year.
View ResourceApplication Brief: El Paso Water’s Upper Valley Water Treatment Plant Meets Regulatory Requirements with the Help of Real-time Online Data
As regulatory requirements and the availability of more accurate diagnostic technologies continue to push the legal threshold limit of contaminants, utilities are turning to high-frequency data to identify contaminant threats and diagnose critical treatment system performance. Learn how El Paso Water’s Upper Valley Water Treatment Plant met regulatory requirements with the help of AMS’s MetalGuard™ automated, online arsenic analyzer.
View ResourceMetalGuard™ Online Trace Metals Analyzer
The MetalGuard™ analyzer provides real-time, multi-stream, reliable, and accurate analysis of trace metal contaminants to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. MetalGuard monitors contaminants such as As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Se, U, V, and Zn with sensitivity down to 1 ppb and measurement times between thirty minutes and less than two hours. The fully automated online analyzer is offered with an annual service contract inclusive of a 10-year warranty.
View ResourceNews: Intelligent Water Treatment Systems
Intelligent water treatment systems incorporate real-time sensing to ensure that their performance is optimized to avoid under- or over-treatment and that any deterioration in system performance is signaled to permit timely remedial intervention.
View ResourceSafeGuard™ Automated Trace Metals Analyzer
SafeGuard™ is an automated trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for a range of trace metal contaminants. SafeGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes.
View ResourceMetalGuard™ Online Arsenic Analyzer
The MetalGuard™ Arsenic analyzer provides real-time, reliable, and accurate data on arsenic levels in just 30 minutes with sensitivity down to 1 ppb. The fully automated online analyzer is offered with an annual service contract inclusive of a
View ResourceNews: Online Water Quality Instruments Poised for Growth
Real-time data and analytical information from online instruments help utilities comply with water quality regulations. The complete article detailing how online water quality instruments are poised for growth was published in the March/April 2015 issue of World Water.
View ResourceNews: AMS Expands into Onsite Trace Metals Testing with Acquisition of Leading-Edge Assets from TraceDetect Inc
Aqua Metrology Systems expands into onsite trace metals testing with acquisition of leading-edge assets from TraceDetect Inc.
View ResourceSafeGuard™
SafeGuard™ is an automated trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for trace metal contaminants.
SafeGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes. An enhanced system is available with a fast turn around time of 5 minutes without compromising accuracy. The analyzer can be used to measure up to two different trace metals contaminants on the same instrument.