Aqua Metrology Systems

Application Brief: Real-Time THM Data Helped City of San Luis Obispo Achieve DBP Compliance

Real-time THM data from the online THM-100™ analyzer has helped the City of San Luis Obispo to achieve DBP compliance, optimize their aeration process and ensure public safety. In 2014 and 2015, the City of San Luis Obispo experienced high THM levels and staff began to research processes and practices that could head-off high THM recurrences. To ensure DBP regulatory compliance, the city chose in-tank aeration to mitigate THMs. While effective in the removal of THMs, in-tank aeration is a high-energy consumption process. Spending approximately $10K per month on power, San Luis Obispo began searching for an effective solution that would help reduce energy expenses while optimizing the treatment process and making it more cost-efficient. The online THM-100™ analyzer from AMS was valuable for aeration treatment system design, establishing continuous real-time THM data as vital assets in meeting regulatory compliance and protecting public health.

Read the case study.