Report: THM-100™ Yields Excellent Results in WRF Report
In a newly released Water Research Foundation (WRF) report, TTHM concentration results from the THM-100™ analyzer yielded excellent results. Throughout the duration of the demonstration testing, results obtained from the AMS THM-100™ analyzer were within ± 10% of laboratory results. In addition to the TTHM concentrations, the individual THM species concentrations also matched very well between the AMS instrument and the laboratory.
Evaluation of the field TTHM analytical instruments demonstrated that these instruments are easy to install and operate, can generate TTHM results quickly, and most importantly accurate and precise.
WRF Report Reducing Volatile Disinfection By-Products in Treated Drinking Water Using Aeration Technologies (Report #4441) © 2015 Water Research Foundation.
View ResourceNews: Online Water Quality Instruments Poised for Growth
Real-time data and analytical information from online instruments help utilities comply with water quality regulations. The complete article detailing how online water quality instruments are poised for growth was published in the March/April 2015 issue of World Water.
View ResourceNews: PAX Water Technologies Unveils In-Tank Aeration Install at San Jose Water Company
Richmond-based PAX Water Technologies and Sunnyvale-based Aqua Metrology Systems unveiled the installation of an innovative in-tank aeration system at San Jose Water Company. The system, installed by Utility Service Group, is being deployed in a 12 million-gallon water storage tank to maintain high water quality during the drought.
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Application Brief: Online THM Analyzer Supports DBP Compliance Strategy for City of Benicia
The City of Benicia, California, implemented a series of best management practices to help minimize the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) in their distribution system and ensure regulatory compliance. In addition to minor pre-treatment and disinfection process changes, the Benicia Water Treatment Plant (WTP) decided to monitor THM levels more frequently using the online THM analyzer, THM-100™, to provide accurate and timely information regarding THM levels in their treated water. Integrating the online THM-100 analyzer at Benicia WTP has become an essential element to help support the delivery of treated water of the highest quality.
News: Northern Kentucky Water District to Incorporate an Online THM Analyzer Into Stage 2 DBPR Compliance Strategy
The Northern Kentucky Water District has purchased the online THM-100™ THM analyzer from Aqua Metrology Systems to monitor daily THM levels in their distribution network and further enable optimization of treatment processes used to minimize the formation of THMs in treated water.
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Application Brief: Online THM Monitoring Helps New Jersey Water Authority Achieve DBP Compliance
An online trihalomethane (THM) analyzer, THM-100™, was installed to monitor THM levels at The Old Bridge Municipal Utilities Authority (Old Bridge MUA) serving the township of Old Bridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey. The utility learned that quarterly DBP compliance measurements are inadequate for understanding actual DBP levels within the water distribution system; since DBP levels can range significantly, even within the same day. However, through frequent and effective direct THM monitoring, as provided by the THM-100 analyzer, they could establish a baseline and optimize DBP management processes managing compliance to the Stage 2 DBP Rule.
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