Aqua Metrology Systems



Application Brief: City of Banning Demonstrates the Efficacy of SafeGuard™ H2O Technology for Cost-Effective and Sustainable Cr6 Remediation

A recent demonstration at the City of Banning, California, validated the effectiveness of the AMS SafeGuard™ H2O technology to treat Cr6 and Cr(T) below 10 ppb, granting it conditional acceptance from the California SWRCB Division of Drinking Water for use of the technology by public drinking water systems to treat Cr6 contamination. SafeGuard™ H2O generates a non-toxic stannous reagent on demand via an electrolytic process, offering utilities of all sizes an affordable, effective and sustainable Cr6 remediation solution.

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MetalGuard™ Iron Dissolved, Organic and Total Iron Monitor

MetalGuard™ Iron is the first fully automated, online iron analyzer that provides dependable real-time data on dissolved, organic and total iron levels to support the delivery of safe drinking water and monitor corrosion in water transport systems. With reliable, continuous, high-frequency data on influent and effluent iron levels, MetalGuard Iron aids in the control and optimization of water treatment and iron contamination removal processes.

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AMS Talks: City of Alamosa Evaluates SafeGuard™ H2O Arsenic Removal Technology

The City of Alamosa, Colorado, evaluated the SafeGuard™ H2O arsenic removal technology to replace the use of bulk ferric chloride. The evaluation demonstrated the technology’s ability to provide effective and reliable arsenic removal below 5 ppb with a ferrous dose of 6.5-8 mg/L that was generated on-site and on-demand. The demonstration also evaluated the purity of the in-situ electrogenerated ferrous reagent compared to bulk ferric chloride, showing SafeGuard™ H2O’s ferrous reagent precursor to be of higher quality. In this episode of AMS Talks, Industry Consultant Nadia Abboud speaks with Roy Sanchez, CWP, Water Plant Operator for the City of Alamosa, and Dr. Vladimir Dozortsev, Senior Product Manager for AMS, who discuss insights about this project and what prompted the City of Alamosa to undertake this arsenic removal demonstration.

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AMS Talks: Alternatives to Bulk Ferric Chloride in Water Treatment

Ferric chloride is a water treatment chemical widely used to remove impurities in water and wastewater. While ferric chloride is effective and approved for use in a range of applications, there is a lack of adequate quality controls and certification for this bulk chemical. Ferric chloride contains a range of contaminants, including manganese, chromium, arsenic, zinc, lead, and copper that can be found in high concentrations and can be very harmful to human health. In addition, ferric chloride is an extremely corrosive and potentially hazardous substance that requires it to be handled and stored with care, driving the cost of treatment. In this episode of AMS Talks, Rick Bacon, CEO of AMS, and Industry Consultant Nadia Abboud discuss the use of ferric chloride as a water treatment chemical, and the need for alternative solutions that do not contaminate our water supply.

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Application Brief: City of Alamosa Evaluates SafeGuard™ H2O Arsenic Removal Technology to Replace Bulk Ferric

Concerned with its reliance on bulk chemicals to meet the current or future arsenic MCL, the City of Alamosa evaluated the SafeGuard™ H2O arsenic removal treatment system to replace the use of bulk ferric chloride. The bench-scale test characterized the efficacy of the technology and the coagulation filtration requirements. The demonstration was initiated to show the ability of SafeGuard™ H2O to provide effective and reliable arsenic removal below the MCL, evaluate the purity of the in-situ generated ferrous reagent compared to bulk ferric chloride, and study the impact of both reagents on UF membrane health.

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Report: City of Alamosa Evaluates SafeGuard™ H2O Arsenic Removal Technology

The SafeGuard™ H2O arsenic removal treatment system has been evaluated by the City of Alamosa to replace the use of bulk ferric chloride. The evaluation was completed via bench-scale testing and subsequent pilot demonstration; showing the electrogenerated ferrous reagent to achieve reliable arsenic removal below 5 ppb with a ferrous dose of 6.5-8 mg/L. The validation of SafeGuard™ H2O technology to generate a ferrous reagent in-situ via an electrolytic process shows great promise for utilities looking to remove arsenic to low levels and eliminate reliance on hazardous bulk chemicals.

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News: Aqua Metrology Systems and BIOBOX Water S.L. Partner to Deliver a Transformative Nitrate Removal Solution

AMS and BIOBOX announce their partnership which brings to United States BIOBOX’s containerized biological treatment system for nitrate removal from groundwater and wastewater. The partnership will offer a fully automated, turnkey “intelligent nitrate treatment system” by integrating AMS’ online Instran™ nitrate analyzer that provides continuous, real-time control of the system performance

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Viewpoints: Upgrade, Retrofit and Optimize: Decarbonizing Treatment Plants With Smart Water Tech

Real-time insights and innovative water treatment technologies can minimize the environmental impact of water and wastewater treatment. Specifically, the AMS’ SafeGuard™ H2O technology, which generates ferrous or stannous-based water treatment reagents on-site and on-demand, coupled with real-time monitoring, can reduce the need for bulk toxic chemicals and displace traditional treatment technologies, significantly reducing emissions.

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THM-100™ Online THM Monitor

The online THM-100™ monitor provides utilities with continuous high frequency THM and THM formation potential (THM-FP) data in real time. With the help of the THM-100™, utilities can design cost-effective THM treatment systems, optimize their water or wastewater treatment process and reduce related expenses while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards for THMs.

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Application Brief: Real-time THM Data Helps Athens Water Supply & Sewerage Company Effectively Mitigate Harmful THMs Across Service Area

The Athens Water Supply & Sewerage Company S.A. (EYDAP) installed the online THM-100™ analyzer to the drinking water reservoir outlet of the Galatsi Water Treatment Plant for a three-month evaluation period, providing EYDAP with continuous online analysis of THM values. The real-time THM data helped EYDAP to understand how the total THM (TTHM) concentration and THM speciation composition are affected by changes in raw source water quality and chlorine contact time. With the help of the reliable data provided by the THM-100, EYDAP was able to better mitigate the presence of harmful THMs across the service area.

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