Aqua Metrology Systems



News: AMS Selected to the AFCP and Game Changers Innovation Challenge to Treat NOx

AMS has been selected to the Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme (AFCP) and Game Changers cross-sector solutions challenge for the treatment of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from nuclear fuel recycling off-gases to minimize the environmental impact of recycling operations. AFCP is led in partnership with the U.K. Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) who are collaborating with leading industrial, academic and research institutions to investigate the role of advanced nuclear fuels and fuel cycles for a Net Zero greenhouse gas emission future. AMS has been awarded funding to complete feasibility studies based on its unique SafeGuard™ H2O fully automated, on-demand, in-situ generator of stannous and tin dioxide. AMS will be demonstrating the power of tin to secure a clean energy future for all.

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When Contamination Comes a Knockin’ — SafeGuard™ H2O to the Rescue

In the fight to keep water safe and affordable, there is only one technology for the job! SafeGuard™ H2O is a fully automated, on-demand, in-situ generator of stannous (reducing agent) and tin dioxide (adsorbent), coupled with online monitoring capability. SafeGuard H2O removes As, Cr(VI), Cu, Fe, Pb, and Mn from drinking water and As, Cr(VI), Hg & Se from wastewater; acts as corrosion inhibitor for lead pipes and cooling systems; adsorbs SO2, H2S from industrial emissions. Tin and electricity are the only consumables. There are no similar technologies to SafeGuard H2O that integrate a low life-time cost contaminant treatment system with real-time performance controls. With SafeGuard H2O, contaminants have met their match!

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Application Brief: Real-Time THM Data Helped City of San Luis Obispo Achieve DBP Compliance

Real-time trihalomethane (THM) data from the online analyzer, THM-100™, has helped the City of San Luis Obispo to achieve DBP compliance, optimize its aeration process, and ensure public safety. In 2014 and 2015, the City of San Luis Obispo experienced high THM levels and staff began to research processes and practices that could head-off high THM recurrences. To ensure DBP regulatory compliance, the city chose in-tank aeration to mitigate THMs. While effective in removing THMs, in-tank aeration is a high-energy consumption process. Spending approximately $10K per month on power, San Luis Obispo began searching for an effective solution that would help reduce energy expenses while optimizing the treatment process and making it more cost-efficient. The online THM analyzer from AMS was valuable for aeration treatment system design, establishing continuous real-time THM data as vital assets in meeting regulatory compliance and protecting public health.

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Report: Los Banos, California SafeGuard™ H2O Cr(VI) Treatment System

A SafeGuard™ H2O intelligent Cr(VI) remediation system demonstration unit with a treatment capacity of 10 gpm was installed with the City of Los Banos, California to evaluate the performance of the technology to treat Cr(VI) to non-detect levels (under 1 ppb) in unchlorinated well water.  SafeGuard H2O is an innovative technology based on a proprietary approach that generates on demand a stannous ion reagent in-situ via an electrolytic process. The demonstration with Los Banos confirmed the technology’s efficacy and third-party validation of the SafeGuard H2O system as a cost-effective alternative to traditional Cr(VI) treatment systems. Results are detailed.

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Viewpoints: Minimize the Environmental Impact of Semiconductor Manufacturing with Real-Time Online Trace Metals Analysis

Semiconductor manufacturing is not only highly dependent on large volumes of water that must be treated to ultrapure standards, but the process also generates significant volumes of wastewater that contains heavy metals and toxic solvents. To reduce its environmental impact, the semiconductor industry is actively searching for new ways to optimize water consumption and improve the quality of wastewater effluent. AMS offers innovative online real-time, continuous trace metals monitoring solutions designed to aid the semiconductor industry in optimizing water consumption, improving the quality of wastewater effluent and reducing its environmental impact.

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AMS Talks: The Value of Data to Brunswick & Topsham Water District

In this episode of AMS Talks Value of Data series, Rick Bacon, CEO of AMS, is joined by Craig Douglas, P.E., General Manager at the Brunswick & Topsham Water District (BTWD) in Maine, who discusses the importance of real-time monitoring water quality for trihalomethanes (THMs) to support the district’s water treatment process. Douglas shares insights about how using the online THM analyzer,  THM-100™, has proven a valuable tool enabling BTWD to optimize operations, better understand treatment processes, resolve THM compliance concerns and validate laboratory performance and results.

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AMS Talks: The Value of Data to Monitoring Water Quality at Mines

In this episode of AMS Talks Value of Data series, Rick Bacon, CEO of AMS, is joined by Gail Heath, Research Professor at the University of Arizona and Chief Operating Officer of Sub Rosa Monitoring, who discusses the importance of real-time monitoring of water quality for trace metals in mine and tailings pond management. Heath shares insights about Sub Rosa Monitoring’s effective and integrated approach for water quality monitoring of ground and surface water contamination at mining sites that enables companies to obtain advance warning of the potential environmental impact of their operations, as well as where he sees the future of online water quality analyzers for mine and tailings pond management.

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AMS Installs SafeGuard™ H2O Cr(VI) Remediation Full-Scale Pilot in California

AMS installed a full-scale pilot of its SafeGuard™ H2O intelligent Cr(VI) remediation system in a Central Valley California Community. SafeGuard™ H2O is an innovative technology based on a proprietary approach that generates on demand a stannous ion reagent in-situ via an electrolytic process. The goal of the pilot is to demonstrate the system’s ability to effectively and affordably treat water with elevated Cr(VI) levels to non-detect levels (less than 2 ppb) by converting toxic Cr(VI) to insoluble nontoxic Cr (III), which then can be removed by filtration along with tin dioxide — the product of the conversion. The stannous generator system features automatic dosing and incorporates continuous, real-time monitoring of Cr(VI) levels at the influent and effluent to ensure optimal treatment and compliance with regulatory and operational targets 24/7/365. Through the onboard online analyzer the technology’s ability to effectively reduce Cr(VI) was seen immediately.
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AMS Talks: The Value of Data to Aigües de Barcelona

In this episode of AMS Talks,  AMS CEO Rick Bacon is joined by Miquel Paraira Faus, Water Quality Director at Aigües de Barcelona to discuss how online trihalomethane (THM) analyzers assisted in the control of distribution water operations, resulting in improved quality of drinking water to more than 3 million people across the Barcelona metropolitan area.
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