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Report: TRUMPF Optimizes Ion Exchange System With Reliable and Continuous Data From Real-Time Arsenic Analyzer
TRUMPF, a manufacturer of laser diodes made from Gallium Arsenide substrates (GaAs) wafers, implemented a new wafer thinning process in 2019. With large volumes of process wastewater and high treatment costs, TRUMPF needed a practical, cost-effective wafer-thinning wastewater treatment process that would also allow them to meet local regulatory discharge requirements. TRUMPF undertook a treatment approach that included the installation of the MetalGuard™ Arsenic online arsenic analyzer to continuously measure influent and effluent arsenic levels in real-time, providing TRUMPF with accurate and reliable results in less than 30 minutes to measure the performance of its IEX system and ensure regulatory compliance. The wastewater treatment approach undertaken by TRUMPF resulted in process improvements, providing an estimated annual cost savings of more than $150K with an ROI of less than one year.
View ResourceReport: SafeGuard™ H2O Mercury Remediation System Bench Test
The innovative SafeGuard™ H2O intelligent Hg(II) remediation system has been successfully demonstrated in a bench test study to remove ionic mercury in power plant wastewater. This novel technology generates a stannous ion reagent in-situ via an electrolytic process, providing a cost-effective alternative to highly challenging and expensive existing mercury treatment process.
View ResourceReport: Ammonia-Laden Centrate Used for THM Control at Tres Rios WRF
The Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department is using the THM-100™ to optimize its chlorine injection process at its Tres Rios Water Reclamation Facility where ammonia-laden centrate is used for THM control. The THM-100 monitor enables the facility to optimize its chlorine injection process and minimize the formation of THMs in its effluent water by providing the operational staff with immediate and accurate daily reports on THM levels.
View ResourceReport: THM-100™ Yields Excellent Results in WRF Report
In a newly released Water Research Foundation (WRF) report, TTHM concentration results from the THM-100™ analyzer yielded excellent results. Throughout the duration of the demonstration testing, results obtained from the AMS THM-100™ analyzer were within ± 10% of laboratory results. In addition to the TTHM concentrations, the individual THM species concentrations also matched very well between the AMS instrument and the laboratory.
Evaluation of the field TTHM analytical instruments demonstrated that these instruments are easy to install and operate, can generate TTHM results quickly, and most importantly accurate and precise.
WRF Report Reducing Volatile Disinfection By-Products in Treated Drinking Water Using Aeration Technologies (Report #4441) © 2015 Water Research Foundation.
View ResourceSafeGuard™

SafeGuard™ is an automated trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for trace metal contaminants.
SafeGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes. An enhanced system is available with a fast turn around time of 5 minutes without compromising accuracy. The analyzer can be used to measure up to two different trace metals contaminants on the same instrument.
Trace Metals
Contaminants such Arsenic, Chromium-6, Lead, and Selenium have come under increased regulatory pressure due to their impact on public health and the environment. The ability to obtain high frequency data and adjust contaminant remediation processes in real‐time to mitigate the impact of trace metals is only made possible through the use of the online MetalGuard™ and SafeGuard™ analyzers.
Disinfection By-products
Reliable data on THM and THM Formation Potential concentrations is required to mitigate the presence of harmful DBPs and monitor the success of THM remediation processes. Accurate and real‐time data on THM concentrations is only possible with the online THM‐100™ analyzer.