AMS Talks: Real-Time Monitoring of Lead and Copper in Drinking Water Systems

In the latest episode of AMS Talks, Abigail Cantor, P.E., Chemical Engineer at Process Research Solutions LLC. discusses a collaboration project with Madison Water Utility to evaluate real-time monitoring of lead and copper in drinking water. This project is particularly timely given the recent EPA proposal to update regulations for reducing lead and copper exposure through drinking water. The proposed regulation will rely more heavily on using lead and copper monitoring and testing apparatuses that have historically lacked real-time data on water corrosivity, crucial for managing fluctuating lead and copper levels in water. Cantor outlines an innovative testing apparatus approach that mimics residential plumbing and incorporates automated online AMS MetalGuard™ lead and copper monitors to provide more frequent and real-time analysis. Utilities looking to adopt a cutting-edge monitoring and testing approach for lead and copper in drinking water systems will not want to miss this interview.